Friday, December 16, 2022

The great escape of our generation

The great escape of our generation... on our phones.

We don't escape into adventure. 

We escape into TikTok and Instagram. Stories and Reels. For You pages.

We no longer get lost in the woods. Instead, we get lost in our feeds.

We don't hike the trailheads. He crawl into bed, or on our couch, and simply...


We escape reality. We turn away from the hardships in life. We don't sit down and think critically.

Instead of being bored and letting our minds' wander, we reach for our phones the moment there's a lull in life -- while standing in line, during a commercial or slow point of your latest show binge, and even while "interacting" with family during the holidays.

Escapism conditions us to avoid reality. 

Especially the harsh realities. 

When we avoid reality, we can't think critically and engage in real situations to make our reality better. We give up the opportunity to solve the problem head-on before it gets worse -- or become our permanent reality. We don't get to become a better version of ourselves. 

We leave so much on the table when we give into escapism.

Be mindful when you reach for your phone and want to "escape". 

If you don't, you'll escape into a reality where you're...


You either choose where your attention goes, or it's chosen for you. 

And if you let it be chosen for you, are you really free?

"We all have reasons for doing what we do when we're not getting paid."

"We all have reasons for doing what we do when we're not getting paid." I often forget to revisit what I would do, and enjoy, ...