Monday, May 27, 2024

"We all have reasons for doing what we do when we're not getting paid."

"We all have reasons for doing what we do when we're not getting paid."

I often forget to revisit what I would do, and enjoy, if money were no object. If I had earned financial independence for myself and my family. Where, at least financially, we were living a good life.

Sometimes I get caught up in the practicality of life. The planning; searching for threats and fulfilling obligations and not even getting to the part of seizing opportunities, where often a lot of the 'fun' and pushing forward in life is hidden.

Why do I do this? It's not even well known to me yet. I think I know. But sometimes I forget. Maybe I'm too focused. Maybe I'm not focused at all. Maybe I'm focused on the wrong things. Or maybe I'm trying too hard on the right thing.

Who knows. I sure don't. Yet.

I do enjoy making. Creating. Sometimes fixing. Although I can be lazy and appreciate being able to do most of my current income-driving activities behind a computer, I often get the most satisfaction out of the physical labor: wrenching on my car (I do not want to be a mechanic full time), creating (photographer, videography, writing, but again, not so much that it's something I could do full time). 

Sometimes the things that I enjoy most that would be nice to do all the time, are simply enjoyable because I'm not getting paid for doing them. I'm simply doing them because I enjoy them. And the moment I 'have' to do it for money, is the moment it becomes a grind. 

I'm sure there's a balance somewhere. Where I can optimize fun and income doing something I enjoy. It's so hard to find in life, as a human. We've set up these societal frameworks that help us in so many ways, but also don't help us in so many ways. For the record, I'm much more optimistic and believe in more good than bad.

This was merely a stream of consciousness after reading an "In the Moment" excerpt by Sam Smith, ex Hagerty and Road and Track editor.

The opening line struck a chord in my current life's challenges where I've chased the money, and tried to go after something purely because of the money, and have gotten burned. Running a brick-and-mortar small business is harder than anyone lets on, but also rewarding all the same. That's a story for another time.

Where to now? Back to thwarting threats, fulfilling obligations, and trying to do a better job of seizing opportunities.

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

The Artist vs. The Realist & The Consumer

I miss the artist in me. 2012 Justin, who just wanted to create. Sharing and views and monetary value were secondary. Like they should be with what I was creating. The act of creating and storytelling was so enjoyable. I truly lost myself in it…hours. Days! What happened to The Artist? I think I know. The Analyst, The Realist killed him. I over-indexed on growing up, and got “too serious” and killed that part of me. Permanently? I hope not. Truly. I hope not. And I don’t think I did. The Artist has come back in small ways throughout the years. Tiny glimpses. He’s still there. But how do I bring him back? (I picked up my phone and checked social media and then realized…) Another killer of The Artist has been The Consumer. He sits on the couch and consumes content because it’s so easy now – Instagram, YouTube, Netflix. The 2012 Artist didn’t have as much of a problem with these easy temptations and cheap dopamine hits that made the current guy so lazy. So, we’ve discovered The Realist and The Consumer are behind the downfall of The Artist. At least we know who the villains are. They’ve been lurking for so long. So discreetly. They took over slowly. They promised security and (cheap) joy. And I let them in. I let them in slowly, with no resistance. They promised virtue, but had a secret agenda. One that would slowly disarm me for over a decade. One that would get me addicted to cheap joys and force me into giving into my lowest-level temptations. Again, that’s all on me. I’m my own worst enemy. Now it seems I have to battle against myself to reclaim the life I want. War! It might take just as long, and as slowly, to defeat The Realist and The Consumer in order to truly revive The Artist. (I’m trying to be the hero in my own story, and right now this couch-potato version of me is boring as hell.) Unfortunately, The Artist might have to start from scratch – be born again. I need to give him (myself) the time and patience to regrow this persona. It would be naive to assume this transition back to The Artist will be easy and not without its own trials and tribulations. Explore yourself again and re-visit what you want. Make sure it’s worth your relentless pursuit. Because you will have to be relentless to make it happen. And perhaps The Artist comes back in a different medium – this medium. The written word. It’s novel in today’s age of reels and feeds. Plus, this feels more pure. It can’t be photoshopped. You read the words and create your own image in your own mind. Perhaps this is the way. Perhaps.

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

You're giving away your attention for free

I'm grateful you're reading these words.

And these.

Perhaps even these.

Thank you for momentarily giving this any of your attention.

Continue down this wordy waterfall with me...

When you think about our own existence, it all happens in our minds. 

"That's a hell of an abstract sentence, Justin." 

It is. My apologies. But if you bear with me, I'll briefly explain. 

You and I take inputs from our many senses, and our minds translate those inputs into something that becomes who we are. Our own existence. The world is happening around us, but the interpretation of that world -- our existence --happens in our minds.

And our minds are at the basis of a war because there's a constant fight for our attention. Whoever captivates our attention can deliver any message they please (more on that later).

We're in an era where your attention is monetized, but you don't get paid for it. 

If you're like me, you were tricked by social media because the mindless scroll on Instagram and TikTok is where you give most of your attention in your free time, isn't it? Any moment or break in "life" goes to the feed. No longer do we even wait in line without a quick scroll.

It's worth noting that those platforms aren't inherently evil. They're simply designed to be attractive; to be easy and temporarily rewarding to give your attention to.

They offer the quickest and easiest hit of dopamine. Which isn't bad,  but if you aren't mindful of how much of your attention you're giving to'll give all of your attention away. For free. And perhaps to things that you wouldn't otherwise care about.

Do you think you're doing social good by projecting your support for the latest injustice in the world in the form of a story, reel, or post? Maybe you are. But maybe you aren't. Either way, do you feel like your content on these topics is worthy of your followers' attention (who likely already think like you)? Maybe it is. But maybe it isn't.

Does it matter? No, not really.

Personally, I'm a "live and let live" proponent. 

But I hate seeing people blindly give away their attention (and their voice) for free.

Monday, October 2, 2023

Things I write down (almost) everyday

Below are mantras (in all caps) that I try to live by. Below that are a mix of things to where if I embodied or did a mix of those things in a day, then I'd say it was a good day.

I write these often in my journal. The numbered list was a good sign if I was missing something in my life. For example, if I wrote these on a certain day and I was missing #7 and #11 (e.g. couldn't remember them, didn't write them down), then that was a sign to perhaps take a step back and have some fun and be spontaneous. It's not an exact science, but it was often true. 

  • DELAYED GRATIFICATION IS ESSENTIAL TO SELF-CONTROL. Self control is essential to discipline. Discipline is essential freedom. Freedom is essential to happiness. Happiness is essential to living a good life.
  • MEMENTO MORI -- Remember that you have to die.

  1. Build strong relationships
  2. Work on own business
  3. Be healthy
  4. Be grateful
  5. Be curious
  6. Be free
  7. Have fun
  8. Ask for, and accept help
  9. Spend quality time with family and friends
  10. Travel
  11. Be spontaneous

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

There’s never been a better time

We breathe, blink, walk, talk, jump, and hump until…we don’t. 

We’re here…

…until we aren’t. 

There’s never been a better time. 

To have that tough conversation. 

To make that phone call. 

To do the thing that you said you would do yesterday. 

This isn’t a plea to be rash, but rather a plea to simply…


Because life stalls without action. 

And there’s never been a better time.  

Friday, December 16, 2022

The great escape of our generation

The great escape of our generation... on our phones.

We don't escape into adventure. 

We escape into TikTok and Instagram. Stories and Reels. For You pages.

We no longer get lost in the woods. Instead, we get lost in our feeds.

We don't hike the trailheads. He crawl into bed, or on our couch, and simply...


We escape reality. We turn away from the hardships in life. We don't sit down and think critically.

Instead of being bored and letting our minds' wander, we reach for our phones the moment there's a lull in life -- while standing in line, during a commercial or slow point of your latest show binge, and even while "interacting" with family during the holidays.

Escapism conditions us to avoid reality. 

Especially the harsh realities. 

When we avoid reality, we can't think critically and engage in real situations to make our reality better. We give up the opportunity to solve the problem head-on before it gets worse -- or become our permanent reality. We don't get to become a better version of ourselves. 

We leave so much on the table when we give into escapism.

Be mindful when you reach for your phone and want to "escape". 

If you don't, you'll escape into a reality where you're...


You either choose where your attention goes, or it's chosen for you. 

And if you let it be chosen for you, are you really free?

Monday, August 16, 2021

What is “Product Messaging”?

“Product messaging” — or sometimes referred to only as “messaging” by marketers — is the description, meaning, relevance, and value of a product or service.

Product Messaging = The description, meaning, relevance, and value of a product or service.

Let’s explore my definition and offer examples.

I’ve found standard “Product Messaging” documents to contain some, or all, the following:

  • Name
  • Category
  • 3 — 5 Benefits
  • 1 — 3 Differentiators
  • Positioning Statement
  • 25 Word Description

Each of these elements of a “Product Messaging” document can then be categorized into description, meaning, relevance, and value buckets.


  • Name
  • Category
  • 25 Word Description


  • 3 — 5 Benefits


  • Positioning Statement
For (target customer) who (statement of the need or opportunity), the (product name) is a (product category) that (statement of key benefit — that is, compelling reason to buy). Unlike (primary competitive alternative), our product (statement of primary differentiation).


  • 1 — 3 Differentiators

My interpretations are drawn from work by The Aji Network.

"We all have reasons for doing what we do when we're not getting paid."

"We all have reasons for doing what we do when we're not getting paid." I often forget to revisit what I would do, and enjoy, ...