Monday, October 2, 2023

Things I write down (almost) everyday

Below are mantras (in all caps) that I try to live by. Below that are a mix of things to where if I embodied or did a mix of those things in a day, then I'd say it was a good day.

I write these often in my journal. The numbered list was a good sign if I was missing something in my life. For example, if I wrote these on a certain day and I was missing #7 and #11 (e.g. couldn't remember them, didn't write them down), then that was a sign to perhaps take a step back and have some fun and be spontaneous. It's not an exact science, but it was often true. 

  • DELAYED GRATIFICATION IS ESSENTIAL TO SELF-CONTROL. Self control is essential to discipline. Discipline is essential freedom. Freedom is essential to happiness. Happiness is essential to living a good life.
  • MEMENTO MORI -- Remember that you have to die.

  1. Build strong relationships
  2. Work on own business
  3. Be healthy
  4. Be grateful
  5. Be curious
  6. Be free
  7. Have fun
  8. Ask for, and accept help
  9. Spend quality time with family and friends
  10. Travel
  11. Be spontaneous

"We all have reasons for doing what we do when we're not getting paid."

"We all have reasons for doing what we do when we're not getting paid." I often forget to revisit what I would do, and enjoy, ...