Friday, May 24, 2019

Marketing is simple

It is. I promise. 

If you’re a maker, creator, or engineer, here’s what you should understand about marketing:

Marketing is about getting people’s attention.

Once you have people’s attention, deliver them value.

As you deliver value (sometimes over a long period of time), you’ll begin to earn their trust.

As you earn their trust, they’ll consider buying your product or service.

The questions that follow are usually:

  • How do I get people’s attention?
  • How do I deliver them value?
  • How do I know if I’ve earned their trust?

That’s where someone with marketing knowledge can help you, but it’s easy to learn with practice.

  • How do I get people’s attention? By being unique…or just different. If you were watching a row of red hats move across an assembly line, wouldn’t you notice the first blue one?
  • How do I deliver them value? By understanding their problems and how to solve them.
  • How do I know if I’ve earned their trust? By helping them solve problems before they choose to pay you. This can be via content e.g. blogs, videos, webinars, etc. Have a conversation with them and learn to sell.

Consider this the highest-level overview of marketing.

It’s not scary, I promise.

"We all have reasons for doing what we do when we're not getting paid."

"We all have reasons for doing what we do when we're not getting paid." I often forget to revisit what I would do, and enjoy, ...